Remembering the Old Ways

Remembering the Old Ways is an immersive nine-month spirituality course to help women reclaim the essence of wildness and sweet power by reconnecting to the wisdom and healing. This deeply transformative course is created with love by Tanya Morris, Randa Karzon and Ruth Sladek.

Start Date: March 1st, 2022

Hosted by HeartRadiance Australia

Here is an excerpt from an interview with the women behind Remembering the Old Ways…

When/how long is each session? Will there be learning materials?

This course is designed to take you into deep commitment to yourself and what you are here on this earth to do. The nine-month structure is centred on the moon cycles, connecting you to the greater rhythm of creation. Each month has an overarching theme and is divided by the phases of the moon. Each moon phase has specific activities such as readings, guided mediations, contemplations and ritual suggestions that guide you into an embodied understanding of the topic. Lastly, in our experience when women gather in circle magic happens so this course also has six live retreats, both online and in person.

The monthly topics and workshops are:

1.     Inner wisdom. In person retreat. Opening ceremony.

2.     Honouring the rhythm of creation.

3.     Heal thyself.

4.     Co-creation. Online circle. Guidelines for working together.

5.     Commitment. In person retreat. Self-marriage ceremony.

6.     Archetypes. Online circle. Shadow work.

7.     The Shadow Feminine. Online circle. Shadow work.

8.     A new way of being.

9.     A new way of leading. In person retreat. Graduation ceremony.

Why did you decide to create this course?

For many years the three of us listened to our herbal and naturopathic students lamenting the lack of self-development and magic in their degree. Knowing there was very little we could do to address that within a health science degree, we instead set out creating a professional development course. The idea was to draw on our collective wisdom to share teachings we knew were important, both in developing the healing craft itself, and in personal development.

We began by gathering in circle together on each new moon. Over the next two years we observed a slow building momentum of energy and waited patiently for guidance. What came through is a course for anyone seeking a grounding in self-awareness, guidance for undertaking shadow work, and an understanding of the principles of feminine leadership. We know these to be the essential foundations of all healing work.

How is the course going to run?

This course is designed to take you into deep commitment to yourself and what you are here on this earth to do. The nine-month structure is centred on the moon cycles, connecting you to the greater rhythm of creation. Each month has an overarching theme and is divided by the phases of the moon. Each moon phase has specific activities such as readings, guided mediations, contemplations and ritual suggestions that guide you into an embodied understanding of the topic. These activities are held on the HeartRadiance website. Lastly, in our experience, when women gather in circle magic happens so this course also has six live retreats, both online and in person (where we are able).

Who might benefit from this course?

We are calling in those who are ready to step fully into living an honest, authentic and spiritually fulfilled life. We are passionate about building a conscious community based on the principles of self-awareness and feminine leadership. With our 50 years combined experience as therapists, teachers and academics we are confident in guiding people through the shadow work that is required to get there. 

You can find out more about our Remembering the Old Ways here 

Annie Meredith