Flower Essences & working with the Chakras

Our series of posts about the potential of working with the chakras has been popularly followed over the last 7 weeks so we decided to pull the information into an easy to access article for reference. Within each of the first 7 chakra concordances are outlined including the location, organs & systems, health issues and healing potential.  Also included are the HeartRadiance flower essences and other healing strategies that can help to encourage the balance and free flow of life energy.

When the chakras are open and aligned, our energy is constantly free flowing, allowing life prana to flow through them. When they out of alignment, our energy is no longer free flowing and can become stuck or congested. As a result, depending on the chakra impacted we can experience physical and emotional manifestations of this imbalance. There are 12 chakras, 7 chakras situated along our spine along with 5 chakras located outside of the body but still within our personal subtle energy body (aura).

Chakras aligned

Our energy is free flowing, allowing prana life force to flow through them.


Chakra 1 - Mooladhara chakra or the base

Location: Base of the spine

Colour: Red

Element: Earth

Function: Survival, security

Endocrine Gland: adrenal system

Body area: genitals, adrenals, skeleton

Emotional connection: relates to the emotions of paranoia, fear of survival, insecurity, terror.

Mental connection: daydreaming, dissociation, delusion

Consciousness: survival, vitality, fight or flight

Nourishing the Base chakra

Foods: red foods - beetroot, raspberries, tomatoes, cherries, red capsicum, watermelon, gogi berries, adzuki beans, dietary proteins

Activities: listen to the needs of your body – rest when you are tired, eat when hungry, play when energetic


HeartRadiance Essences

Muladhara Essence

Affirmation: ‘I am’

Healing Outcomes: grounding, connection to the planet, confident in your body, attuned to your body’s signals, functional family connections, trust & faith. 

Clear Space Spray Mist

Healing Outcome: resonates with the Base chakra and opens you to the presence of NOW. 

Chakra 2 - Svadhisthana

Location: lower abdomen between the navel and genitals

Colour: orange

Element: water

Function: desire, pleasure, sexuality, procreation

Endocrine: gonads

Body area: sexual organs, bladder, prostate, womb, kidney

Emotional connection: relates to intimate connection, vulnerability, fear of commitment, feeling un-nurtured, aversion to pleasure or sensation

Mental connection: repression of feelings, inadequacy, hyper-sensitivity

Consciousness: know ourselves within connection, healthy boundaries, staying connected

Nourishing the second chakra

Foods: orange foods, pawpaw, oranges, apricots, mangos, orange lentils, sweet potato, turmeric root, fats and oils, water, fish & seafood.

Activities: going with the flow, creative self-expression such as dance or journaling, self-care especially with the element of water (baths, ocean swims, float tanks), safely explore your sexuality


HeartRadiance Essences

Svadhisthana Essence

Affirmation: ‘I feel’

Healing Outcomes: willingness to allow pleasure in body, comfortable connection, healthy boundaries, trust in others, comfortable with appropriate touch. 

Divinely Feminine Spray Mist 

Healing Outcomes: helps let go of old patterns of self-loathing and celebrate your uniqueness, activates love and connection.


Chakra 3 - Manipura

Location: between the navel and the lower rib cage

Colour: yellow

Element: fire

Function: will, power, transformation

Endocrine: pancreas

Body area: digestive system, liver, gallbladder, stomach, muscles

Emotional connection: healthy self-esteem, personal power, confidence

Mental connection: clarity of thought, mental wellbeing, feeling safe in the world

Consciousness: empowerment, strength of will, soul-purpose

Nourishing the third chakra:

Foods: yellow foods, ginger, lemon, legumes, whole grains

Activities: creating balance in your life, physical workouts & regular exercise, trust your gut instincts


HeartRadiance Essences

Manipura Essence

Affirmation:  ‘I do’

Healing Outcomes: clarity of thought, easy decision-making, sense of individuality & uniqueness, feels empowered.

Crisis Calm Spray Mist 

Healing Outcomes: calm and reassurance, acts quickly to bring a stressful situation back into control.


Chakra 4 - Anahata

Location: middle of the chest

Colour: green

Element: air

Function: love and compassion for others

Endocrine: thymus

Body area: heart & lung systems, circulation

Emotional connection: love and connectedness, compassion, loving – kindness

Mental connection: greed, hard-hearted, meanness, overly emotional thinking

Consciousness: balance of mind & body, thought & feeling, connectedness


Nourishing the fourth chakra

Foods: green foods, leafy greens, avocado, brassica family

Activities: be open to giving and receiving, embrace a cause you care about, keep a gratitude journal, practice a loving kindness meditation or prayer


HeartRadiance Essences

Anahata Essence

Affirmation: ‘I love’

Healing Outcomes: gratitude, self-accepting, loving-kindness to all beings, compassion for those in need.

Protection Spray Mist 

Healing Outcomes: dispels negative energy coming from others leaving you free, open hearted and fearless, taps into your inner strength and courage


Chakra 5 - Vishudda

Location: throat

Colour: blue

Element: ether

Function: communication, creativity

Endocrine: thyroid, parathyroid

Body area: vocal cords, neck & jaw, lymphatic system, throat

Emotional connection: creative expression, ease of communication, out of balance – frustration, isolation.

Mental connection: self-criticism, self-negation, positive – expression of intention

Consciousness: creative self-expression, self-knowledge, speaks & listens equally


Nourishing the fifth chakra

Foods: fruits, juices, sea plants, teas

Activities: singing, using mantras, practice mindful eating


HeartRadiance Essences

Vishudda Essence

Affirmation: ‘I speak’

Healing Outcomes: Speaks with truth & integrity, immune to critics, creatively flowing, co-creates with intention, manifests good health in self & others.

Clarity Spray Mist 

Healing Outcomes: Supports clear expression, opens awareness, supports study and new projects by clearing self doubt


Chakra 6 - Ajna

Location: At the centre of the forehead

Colour: Indigo

Element: Light

Function: Seeing, insight, intuition, perception

Endocrine: Pituitary gland, parts of the hypothalamus

Body area: eyes, nose, memory storage aspects of the brain

Emotional connection: Feeling spiritual connection, direction in life, nit-picking, judgemental

Mental connection: clarity of thought, thought processing; out of balance - confusion, lack of direction, disconnected from intuition

Consciousness: Seeing the big picture, access intuition


Nourishing the sixth chakra:

Foods: blackberries, acai, figs, plums, purple foods, chocolate, caffeine

Activities: Journaling, set your intentions for the day, open to your intuition


HeartRadiance Essences

Anja Essence

Affirmation: ‘I see’

Healing Outcomes: Life purpose, clarity in understanding, sees big picture reality, opens to new possibilities, accesses intuition.

Awaken Spray Mist 

Healing Outcomes: Opens you up to your intuition so that your body is in tune with your mind and the ‘present’ moment.


Chakra 7 - Sahasrara

Location: at the top of the head

Colour: violet

Element: all elements

Function: connection with ‘all that is’, spiritual connection

Endocrine: pineal gland, parts of the hypothalamus 

Body area: higher learning & cognitive brain, nervous system

Emotional connection: reverence & awe, questions around the mysteries of life, when out of balance – spiritual arrogance, confusion, separation, isolation, fear of death

Mental connection: higher order thinking, inner peace, connection with life 

Consciousness: recognition of connectedness, faith & trust, higher service to humanity


Nourishing the Seventh chakra:

Foods: fasting, organic foods (no toxins)

Activities: quiet time, meditation, create a gratitude practice


HeartRadiance Essences

Sahasrara Essence

Affirmation: ‘I understand’

Healing Outcomes:  has a sense of place in the bigger picture, experiences awe & sense of connection to ‘All-That-Is’ regularly, let go of fear about death and dying.  

Meditation Spray Mist 

Healing Outcomes: opens the pathway to deep contemplation and reflection. In mastering the mind, we live contentedly with the environment and at peace.